
Parents listen up…are you ready to take control?

Parenting, working, partners, birthdays, food shopping, swimming lessons, friends, home renovations, packed lunches, exercise, holidays, childcare, finances, school uniforms…I could go on!

If you’ve got ‘to do’ lists like this swimming around in your head YOU ARE NOT ALONE .

Our Balance course is the lifebelt you need to stay afloat, giving you the skills to achieve balance in all areas of life as a busy working parent.

At Balance we offer a range of courses from our monthly 2 hour Balance session to weekly solution-focussed 1:1 support in your home. Sessions can be tailored to meet your needs. Look out also for our “Balance for Babies” meet ups, where you can meet other parents.

We also work with employers and individuals to bring balance training to the workplace in bite-sized sessions. Feeling in control of home life can lead to more effective practice in the workplace. Help to nurture your talented workforce through tailor-made well-being packages.

Balance founder Rachel has over 15 years experience working in education and training. As a mum of three she has had her share of parenting fails and successes and her organised outlook and sensitive approach make Balance courses intuitive and easy to access.

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