Weekly Classes & Groups (0-5 years) York

For Dads

Classes and Groups for Dads in York.

All playgroups and classes welcome dads as well as mums (in fact grandparents, carers and anyone looking after little ones are welcome at most places!) Mumbler does recognise that some dads will feel more comfortable in a group designed especially for blokes. So we’ve put together the list below where the group, meet up or event is designed specifically with dads in mind.

Most of the classes below are pre-book and follow a structure (see individual listings for details) , if you’re looking for playgroups in York which are more informal and you can just turn up (like the ones in church halls etc) then check out the Playgroups Page Here.

If you know of any other classes or groups which are not already listed, then please contact us here.  For details of how to get your group listed  click here.

Menfulness is an inclusive social community for men in York.

Our goal is to bring men together to socialise, exercise, enjoy themselves, talk and let off steam in a non judging, friendly and supportive environment. These are all essential for wellbeing and health, both physical and mental.

The back story to the MEN cube or dice, is that there’s always at least one side you can’t see on a cube or dice. This is a bit like those who men who need help. You often can’t see it because it’s not on show or it’s covered up, so you need to move it some how to uncover it.

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A social hub for York Dads (Dad’s accessing dads support) granddads, carers or soon to be Dads.

Connecting Dads in and around the York area through meet ups, activities, events and online support.

Hopefully we will represent a diverse group of dads: at home and working dads, married, single and divorced dads, straight and gay dads, young and old dads, dads of different ethnic and racial backgrounds. But share one common goal of being a active parent.

Join the Facebook Group HERE

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Story time and Rhymetimes at York’s Libraries

Explore York Libraries and Archives offer under 5 story times. There are free and on a drop-in basis. Find out the time and day of the week at your local library and all the up-to-date information here https://exploreyork.org.uk/children/storytimes/

For more details about the sessions and libraries below see our post HERE

